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What to know when settling an account that is on your credit report

Where you do not dispute any information on your credit record and you want to repair your credit record by remedying any negative listing on it, the first step is to consider whether you are legally obliged to pay the account. Accounts that you are not legally obliged to pay You are not legally obliged…

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The right to be issued with a clearance certificate and the cancellation of the debt review process

(as extracted from Nicky Campbell’s Chapter 6, “The consumer’s rights and credit provider’s obligations”, in The Guide to the National Credit Act by JW Scholtz, Jannie Otto, E Van Zyl, Corlia Van Heerden, and Nicky Campbell) Section 21 of the National Credit Amendment Act amended section 71 of the principal Act to provide as follows:…

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Trapped in administration? Cancel it or write it off!

An administration order is granted in terms of the Magistrates’ Court Act 32 of 1944 where the consumers debt is less than R50 000.00. An administrator is then appointed to collect a monthly amount that is distributed amongst the consumers’ creditors as detailed in the administration order. Administrators can add new creditors to the list…